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Quorn District Council



Quorn, SA



$9 million






Paul Gillett

Adam Sickerdich


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 Quorn Swimming Pool 





The existing Quorn Swimming Centre is at the end of its service life having been constructed in the 1960s. The pool forms a major component of summertime community recreational facilities available in the remote northern town where due to Council scale value for money was an essential component of these major upgrade works.


Upgrade works were to provide new office and amenities facilities, new children’s pool, replacement of pool plant, construction of a wet edge to the existing pool, pool retiling, pool and surround shade structures.


The upgraded pool facilities include:


  • 25m x 7m main pool with new disability ramp access. Disability ramp is off line to avoid disruption of pool lanes and delivers to the shallow end of the pool suitable for aqua robics and hydrotherapy classes.

  • 8m x 6m children’s recreation pool with leisure water activities and beach access all sides.

  • New offices, kiosk, swimming clubrooms and change facilities with individual shower cubicles.

  • Removal of existing scum gutter and conversion to wet deck pool edge. Existing pool shell fully retiled.

  • New pool plant using precoat UFF (DE) filters to improve water quality, reduce water usage, reduce chemical usage and reduced plant room footprint.

  • Separated main pool and children’s pool plant systems to reduce water treatment requirements, water usage and operational costs.

  • New wet deck pool showers to reduce pool filter and water treatment.

  • Shade structures spanning pool and perimeter decks.

  • Roof mounted pool solar heating improving water temperature and increasing facility usage while minimizing operational costs.

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